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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  January 10, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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problems on the horizon. massachusetts just ran out of the flu vaccine. that could start happening round the country. 95% of the nearly 135 million doses of flu vaccines have been given out. still boston is offering free vaccines. anything to contain the spread. approximately 700 confirmed cases have been reported there since october. that's ten times more than the city saw during the entire flu season last year. >> i can't say enough. please, all of everybody out there, get to the health centers this weekend, get your flu shot. >> reporter: the first signs of the flu are a high fever which severe headaches and muscle pain. day three brings a sore throat, stuffy nose and dry cough, by day seven you are no longer contagious but symptoms of fatigue and coughing can last for weeks. >> i never been hit by a truck
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but i feel like this is it. >> reporter: at least 18 children have died and a doctor said flu symptoms in the very young are the same. >> you want to make sure they don't get dehydrated. i child getting better and turns for the worse, could be a sign of a bacteria infection and then shortness of breath. they could have a weak crime they need it be seen immediately. >> reporter: another issue is doctors running low on flu mist. the nasal vaccine given to children who can't tolerate the shot. >> we are working for you tonight here. we want to get you and your family all the information that you fled to get through this flu season. tonight linda has more on what you should do if you think you are coming down with the flu and again it depends on who you are. >> reporter: if you are a healthy adult there is nothing a doctor can do to make you feel better. the best thing is to stay home, get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.
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you can also take over-the- counter pain medication pills to help with the fever and body aches. for children and the elderly it's important to see a doctor right away. they are more at risk because the immune systems aren't as strong. for adults with under lying medical conditions it's also important to get medical help right away. there are some anti viral medications a doctor can prescribe. >> there are anti viral medications that are available out there. they are used mainly in people at higher risk or small children. the older folks. so, certainly a phone call to the doctor makes good sense. if you are in that middle age range and are healthy probably most of the flu symptoms can be taken care of at home with rest and fluid. >> reporter: if you come down with the flu are you usually contagious for about seven days, don't ignore the symptoms. stay home, get rest so you
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don't spread the flu. >> right here flu cases have made for real busy days at emergency rooms and clinics. people have been coming in for flu shots as well. medstar health has seen above average demand for the shot. . the best course of action is to first see your doctor and above all else get some rest. >> we have already had several patients in the hospital with that. it can kill you. so people need to take things in to perspective, especially older patients and very young children. okay, also those patient who have immune problems, like diabetes, copd, asthma. >> reporter: the doctor also said that for the past four weeks or so they are averaging more than 30 patients a day who
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are coming down with flu-like symptoms. she said getting treated resting are the keys to beating the flu. we will have more at six. and if you have gotten the flu vaccine health experts say there are some other things you can do to help lower your chances of getting sick. first drink plenty of water. next, stick to foods that are rich in vitamins, broccoli, blueberries, oranges and salmon, and last, garlic. adding it to your diet can keep your immune system strong, helping you avoid the flu and a lot of other illnesses. you know 41 states with widespread flu activity employers are going to feel the pain. according to the cdc between direct costs for hospital stays and outpatient visits for adults the seasonal flu will cost businesses nearly ten and a half billion dollars. doesn't even include the sick
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pay, work delays and lost production. we are our station for the latest information as the flu outbreak continues. you can get all you need to know to keep safe this flu season by heading to the website. >> all right. weather wise, has some good news. how is that? good news on the weather front. upper 40s after getting in to the low 50s. above normal for this time of year. very little wind. no wind at the moment. a few high thin clouds, we will stay dry the rest of the evening and into the day tomorrow clouds increase through the day as we have rain developing to the west. we will probably see shower activity beginning midday tomorrow. hit and miss source possible but it looks like we dry out and warm up a lot for the weekend. stay tuned for that. the rest of the evening 30s. we will talk act how warm we may get by sunday and just how cold it may be in denver.
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all that coming up. >> thank you. busted after a high speed chase that included running down a pair of baltimore city police officers. we are learning more about the suspects. jeff joins you now with more on that. >> reporter: just 25, alicia hoffman has been in the headlines before and has had more than her share of run ins with police. long before she allegedly led police on a chase through baltimore city and then baltimore county she had become quite familiar with the court system it. hoffman was a passenger in the car driven by ashley albers who was high back in july of 2011 when her car crossed the center line and t boned another vehicle killing a 64-year-old woman on route 543. neighbors say as she recovered from her injuries hoffman moved in with her grandparents here in belaire. it appears they own the car
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involved in wednesday's crash which had fraternal order of police tags. >> i did hear many years ago use to be a sheriff. >> reporter: along with a conviction for stealing this cvs store a few months before the deadly crash she had a number of traffic violations and was arrested in baltimore city on a marijuana possession charge just last week. >> i'm not surprised anymore. you know it could be from ten years old up to 90 what they are caught up in. i'm not surprised in the sense of age groups getting caught up in trucks. >> reporter: she was caught in another drug deal when they interrupted her wednesday. faced with another bust she refused to give up opting to run, placing a pair of officers in harm's way in the process. the drug charges a series of traffic charges and two counts of second degree assault on law
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enforcement officers. >> a story found by investigators will be the focus of a city council meeting tonight. the story drew national attention. we showed school buss carrying children running red lights and speeding. tonight a councilwoman will introduce a bill to get responsibility to the system. the bill will require any citations given to school buss to be submitted to councilmembers and the department of education. delegate dywer who talked about his problems with alcohol on facebook has been reassigned. he admitted to being over the legal drinking limit back in august when his boss -- boats crashed with another vessel. he will serve on the house weighs and means committee. he said he understands the
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decision. and now a story affecting your money. new rules aimed at making risky mortgages a thing of the past. the consumer financial protection bureau is putting rules in to effect that require lenders to make necessary checks before signing off on home loans. for starters, mortgages with term that exceed 30 years with interest only loans won't be allowed. lenders will be required to verify that borrowers have the money they say they do in the bank. coming up a big part of cancer survival is detecting it early before it spreads. we have the details in a new way to detect two dangerous forms of cancer before it's to late. the weather is sure to be a factor in saturday's big game. mike is here tonight to break it all down and tell us how the cold could help the ravens. and a former nfl player suddenly took his own life. now what studies on his brain
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are revealing about the death of junior seau.
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. pap smears have always been recommended for women's health but a new study found they could be life saving. researchers say the pap smear that has been used to detect cancer can help find ovarian cancer as well. it's very hard to detect. sciencists say that more research is needed. there is also a new option for breast cancer patients. a new surgery lets some women have a masectomy and reconstruction all in one. this eliminates the shock of a reduced breast size after operation. >> it's less traumatic. you wake up and you are still -- you still have breasts.
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>> the one step surgery using special imaging to help determine appropriate implant size and patient who have received it have been back to work in as early as six weeks. patients who opt for this surgery tend to have a faster recovery physically and emotionly. >> and now maryland's most accurate forecast. 50 degrees. humidity is low again. dew point down at 25, very dry air, another one of those nights where you may want to run the humidifier and the heater. take a look at the set up. beautiful blue sky. nothing but sunshine at the naval academy. few high thin clouds over the severn. fantastic view from ccbc, the
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mighty refer was uneventful, not a boat out there. take a look at the current wind field. quiet weather continues tonight. temperatures will fall through the 40s into the 30s by daybreak. right now still 52 baltimore. we will continue to see a mix of clouds, cloud wills thicken up through day and into tomorrow afternoon this is where we bring in the chance for rain especially past four or five. a brief round of showers, perhaps time for the evening rush hour tomorrow night. that area will clear out to the west and we will be left with a partly cloudy saturday, outstanding local tailgating weather for the big game saturday afternoon as the ravens go into denver and then weather looks mildler as we push toward the second half of the week. the cool zone across the midatlantic. you can see mild air pushing its way up the east coast but not quite arriving tomorrow. especially with the showers
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around. not going to be that warm but into saturday we get the push of mild air up the east coast into baltimore. we will be up near 60 and that 70-degree air, likely to push in as we go into sunday. we could be flirting with 70. upper 60s for sunday. we look at overall set up here. there is that rain maker across the east coast as we go into friday. warm air will keep surging in ahead of that thing. its going to be mild and the skies to the west they are generally partly cloudy but temperatures starting to fall out the denver way and they will be much colder into game day on saturday. upper teens with a chance of a few flurries. mostly cloudy, late day shower possible. tomorrow night showers end but the fog will be a potential factor in your saturday morning. other than that saturday is looking good. temperatures pushing up to around 61 degrees and into the
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upper 60s on sunday. so i mean that will be a huge surge. not record breaking but certainly a solid 20 degrees, 25 degrees, even above average through saturday and sunday. so, again that's your set up. we will change the set up here into next week. you look at the numbers, back in the 40s tuesday, wednesday, thursday, more similar to -- 41 or so is the average. >> slowly starting to creep down. >> yeah. it's back and forth you go. we will eventually cool it off. man, this weekend 67,. >> can't beat that. >> all right. thank you. >> we know it'll be cold at mile high ono saturday. could that make a difference in whether the ravens come out on top? we hope so. mike is here now with more on what the freezing temperatures will mean on the field in denver. >> its going to mean a lot. we have been doing the stats all afternoon and i like jamie's latest tweet. you know what dry heat feels
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like? denver is cold cold . it's 34 right now in denver. we will be around 20 during game time. let's see now how both these quarterbacks stack up. we run through the stats and we will look at postseason flaco -- six wins and four losses, not bad. three wins and three losses in temperatures below 40 degrees. that is a key stat. keeping in mind we will be around 20 degrees, below 40 he is three for three. career played his entire career so far outside. his college career also outside, he went to delaware. manning, 19 career postseason games, ten wins rather and nine losses. he is 0-3 with temperatures below 40 degrees. again his career has been played in a 72-degree dome and college career played in the
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mild tennessee. so how you stack these quarterbacks up obviously one is more experiences sure but you will be talking about serious cold. 20-degree weather. that's a -- weather is going to play a big role in this, it's going to come down to how the quarterback dresses, whether he uses a grove or not. we know that peyton will go in with a right handed glove. it's all going to be about that. one stat i want to tell you is that -- last time peyton played was back on december 30th they blew out kansas city but the temperature was 35 degrees. that's interesting. that was the only game where he played last season with temperatures below 40 degrees. we will see how it comes about. right now certainly favoring maybe a ravens win. >> all right. this is our hot topic. who do you think wins knowing will be so cold? go to facebook and tell us what
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you think. our team already in denver tonight. we have a text from jamie. he said that they say it's 41 but it feels like 21. they are getting used to the weather and the altitude and jamie will have more on the team coverage tonight at six so keep it here. coming up a robber tried to grab the cash drawer but got something else. how the grandmother behind the counter decided to fight back. and killer whales trapped in the ice are free tonight. how they did it themselves. look, if you have copd like me,
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you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily
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inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sound) ask your doctor about spiriva.
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. check out 24 video of a
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high school brawl caught on tape. even parents and students were involved. it happened at a bus stop. police are being told to expect more. five people have been arrested but police are still looking for more suspects. a gun toting grandma caught a would be robber. she owns a grocery store in milwaukee. when a man reached for the cash drawer she pulled out a gun. when the gun came out the man took off. milwaukee police are looking for the suspect tonight. and killer whales which were trapped under the ice in the hudson bay managed to free themselves this morning. the bay only just froze over. researchers say it's rare for whales to even swim in the arctic this time of the year. they usually leave before the ice moves in. this morning a change in the weather pattern and the tide created an area that let them swim out to sea. in case are you trying to find out who is changing stopsigns. nope -- that four letter word
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on the sign isn't asking you to stop. instead of stop that sign as you can see spells spell poop. the city has changed a few of the signs but has more work ahead of them. a successful nfl career, then suddenly took his own life. what research on the brain of junior seau is revealing. and the key to stopping the flu from spreading. you have to stop germs right dead in their tracks. we will explain how they spread so you can avoid getting sick. and the oscar nominations out. if your favorites are being honored. that's coming up. . >> still trying to figure out what the signs said. just a few clouds out there today. looking good tonight. there is rain in the outlook but also much mildler temperatures. you won't believe it.
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. the flu outbreak is the worst in a decade. 41 states have confirmed cases. health experts are urging vaccines for everybody older than six months. 18 children died from it. ? we are learning more about the woman accused of leading police on a chase through northeast baltimore city in to the county. the 25-year-old was involved with the court system even before yesterday. she was a passenger in the car driven by ashley albers who was high. that car crossed the center line killing a 64-year-old woman on route 45. the car involved in that crash
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yet belongs to them, had a police decal on the back of it? 48 hours from now the ravens will be in denver to battle the broncos. temperatures will struggle to get out of the teens and that could possible be an advantage for the ravens. peyton manning has never won a playoff with the temperature below 40 degrees. >> we will see what happens with that. it'll be cold, cold cold in denver on saturday afternoon. just the opposite back here by the way. this evening moderately cool at most not bad for january. low 50s. we have 45 now in the state capitol and 46 in frederick. take a look, a few clouds in out of the west but nice and dry and further west we can see rain developing up and down the country's midsection. this wave will pass our area tomorrow afternoon and that could mean rain for us toward the evening rush hour the tomorrow night. we will be


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